We are coming up to the season of goodwill to all men. The problem is, I can find very little of it. Across the world there are wars, people dying unnecessarily and children starving. In Europe we have tens of thousands now having to go to soup kitchens. They are losing their homes and their businesses and many, like the Greeks and the Spanish, won’t recover any level of reasonable living in their life time – they just don’t have enough time to get their lives back together. Suicides have never been higher.
It would be too easy to wallow in the despair of it all. But for the sake of our children I am intent on trying to do something to improve the future. It is no surprise to followers of my Blog to know that I shall work for the UK to regain its sovereignty so we can once again be in control of our destiny.
Business needs to thrive – our future depends on it. Small businesses we are told are the life blood of Europe’s economies. Napoleon did us proud when he insulted us as a nation of shopkeepers – the moron. I call him that because he underestimated the courage and tenacity of the British, oh, and he lost. In order to drive small businesses and create wealth and employment we need to do two things in particular. One, we all know, is to get rid of red tape which has cascaded down from the EU. The second is to have some sort of structure helping to drive our economy and give businesses a voice. At last, here in the Forth Valley we have one – The Forth Valley Chamber of Commerce.
With a dedicated team who know what they are doing, there is a buzz about the area that’s been generated and fuelled by the Chamber. I know quite a bit about it because over the odd glass of wine (or is that bottle?) my wife Dorothy, tells me what’s going on. Dorothy has worked with Scottish businesses for over 20 years. She is passionate about making a difference to these businesses and that is why she is working with the newly formed Chamber.
Finally, on the subject of the Chamber, there’s going to be a Christmas Showcase on 5th December from 6:30 to 9:00 at the Falkirk Stadium. I will be signing copies of CORRUPTION and there are another 25 exhibitors. Well worth a visit if you are in Central Scotland.
A Million Tears will be a promo book this weekend (24th and 25th Nov) on Kindle. Yes, that’s right – the cheapest deal possible – it is free. I hope you all take advantage, tell friends and family and do me a huge favour – help me to increase my readership.
On the 29th of this month my thriller, Corruption will be released in paperback. It deals with corruption and fraud across the EU, orchestrated and controlled by officials within the Parliament. When I use facts I think it gives my thrillers an edge that’s missing from the usual bang, wham, thank you ma’am type of story.
In early December the 4th book on my “Tears” series, Tears Until Dawn will be reprinted .
Finally, I am halfway through the 5th “Tears” story and I have to sign off. Richard, Sir David Griffiths’ son, is trying to find a traitor in the Secret Intelligence Service in 1953 when it was on record as being one of the most Communist supporting intelligence organisations in existence. I need to find out how he is doing as I kind of feel responsible! Welcome to the nerve racking angst of an author.