Summer 2023
August 25, 2023 1:24 pmI thought it was about time I brought you all up to date with what’s been going on. I am delighted to let you know that Vendetta is now available as an e-book and will be available on Amazon ...more
I thought it was about time I brought you all up to date with what’s been going on. I am delighted to let you know that Vendetta is now available as an e-book and will be available on Amazon ...more
My Dilemma I was in a dilemma. Should I tell you or not? After all I am not looking for sympathy. Then I thought “What the hell, it might do some good”. I’ve been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Very much ...more
This Father’s Day give your dad two books – both great Summer holiday reads. The Seventh Circle is a fast paced action thriller and The Teras of War and Peace follows the Griffiths family struggles before during and after the ...more
If your Dad is a thriller fan he will love these fast paced action novels. The International Force Against Terrorism (TIFAT) features in Mayhem and Anarchy and in The Seventh Circle Richard Griffiths seeks justice when terrorists destroy his life. ...more
… and I did not appreciate a single sip! You probably heard recently about the couple who ordered a bottle of wine in a restaurant priced at £260 (the poor things) but were given one that sold at over £4,000 ...more
This Father’s Day treat your Dad to the Tears Saga. From 1890 in South Wales follow the family through the next 70 years. See how they survive the Wars and build a dynasty. The final book end in the 1960s ...more
The year has started with some excitement on the book front. A MILLION TEARS has been produced as an audio book and is available on as well as on Amazon. The story is unabridged and is nearly 20 hours ...more
I know it isn’t just me but it seems Christmas comes around more quickly as each year passes! That’s the moan out of the way, now for some good news. The new TIFAT book is being published by Methuen on ...more
In Retribution, Nick Hunter and his TIFAT team are drawn into the human catastrophe sweeping Africa and the Middle East. Criminal gangs of people smugglers are orchestrating the migration of many thousands of Africans and Asians into Europe, threatening the ...more
We are delighted to offer a FREE Kindle dowload of the first GUMSHOE mystery. Paul said “I have always liked the detective stories of the 40s and 50s so I have created Frank O’Brian, an American Private Investigator working in ...more
Richard Griffiths is in a quandary: he wants his country back. Having sat on the side-lines for too long he realises he has to take action. He wants laws made by the UK parliament and the courts to be supreme ...more
One of my readers made a comment to me a few years ago about how much he liked novellas. Ideal he said, for a plane or train journey. So for some time I’ve been toying with the idea of ...more
This beautiful bone china mug, created by the renowned Barbara Davidson Pottery of Larbert, will be the first of a series of mugs depicting Paul’s book jackets. We are thrilled with the quality and we know Paul’s readers will enjoy ...more
At this time of the year my thoughts turn to spring and summer. I’m a warm blooded kind of person. I like it sunny and hot. It means barbeques, cold beers and cool wine. It also means wandering the UK ...more
If you have just received a new kindle,why not download the FREE copy of The Seventh Circle this weekend? Please let others know also. Paul’s new thriller Anarchy is also available on Kindle and his new political thriller is now ...more
It is 1911 and David Griffiths is in London. He gets caught up in the suffragette movement and falls in love with Emily. Against the backdrop of women’s fight for votes and the looming First World War, the Griffithses build ...more
Now that the fifth and final book in the Tears Series has been published we have decided to do two special offers. The first is The Tears Trilogy. This is a great opportunity to sample the first three books. And ...more
Introduce your friends and family to the fascinating world of the Griffiths family. A Million Tears, The Tears of War and Peace and Silent Tears. Great Christmas gift. Paul will sign and personalise all three books. Buy all three books ...more
It’s an interesting question because, believe me, it’s not for the money. As a small child I loved making up stories and games and I lived in a wonderful world of make believe. At school this translated into writing essays ...more