
Why am I an author?

March 30, 2014 10:52 am

It’s an interesting question because, believe me, it’s not for the money. As a small child I loved making up stories and games and I lived in a wonderful world of make believe. At school this translated into writing essays ...more

A dry January

January 17, 2014 11:16 am

The heading refers to my liquid intake – not the weather which is far from dry. My New Year’s resolution was not to drink alcohol throughout January. Now bear in mind I am an author and I have a tradition ...more

Autumn and Italy

October 3, 2013 8:48 am

Autumn already! At a few book signings recently I have autographed and personalised books with the words “A Merry Christmas” !!!!!  All bought by women who already are ticking things off their Christmas list. As with most men of my ...more

On the Move

June 14, 2013 12:15 pm

It’s that time of year when I’ll be touring bits of the UK doing book-signings at agricultural shows and similar events. I enjoy these enormously as I meet a lot of friendly people who stop and chat and peruse my ...more

Spring is nearly sprung

February 22, 2013 11:05 am

A lovely time of year. Of course Spring brings optimism and hope, not to mention snow-drops and daffodils. I was taken to see Die Hard 5 for a birthday treat last Friday. Bruce Willis and his son are shot at, ...more

Faith and Fundamentalism

February 2, 2013 11:15 am

Like everybody else I know, I have no problem with what faith people have. I want to live in a tolerant world where people are free to enjoy their religion and take comfort from their beliefs.  Tolerance surely has to ...more

The Season of Goodwill?

November 22, 2012 10:23 pm

We are coming up to the season of goodwill to all men. The problem is, I can find very little of it. Across the world there are wars, people dying unnecessarily and children starving. In Europe we have tens of ...more

Bella Italia – (the country not the restaurant)

September 14, 2012 1:58 pm

Dorothy and I have just spent 11 days back-packing in Italy and Switzerland. It was great fun. It all started at the airport when we arrived with relatively small bags slung over our shoulders. Other passengers were dragging massive suitcases ...more

Scotland the Beautiful

April 9, 2012 11:30 am

In the last two weeks we have visited 2 islands. We spent a weekend at the Auchrannie Hotel and Spa resort on Arran and on Saturday we had a day in Mull visiting our nephew Robert. It really brought home ...more

A New Year & A Good Read

January 18, 2012 12:18 pm

Two weeks into January already. 2012 has arrived and I have now stopped using 2011 every time I write a date! Festivities are over and it’s back to reality. Or at least it is for most people. Me? I’m lucky. ...more

Christmas and Status Quo

December 20, 2011 12:53 pm

Christmas is approaching, and approaching fast. The time gap between last Christmas and this is shorter than in previous years. This fact I have become aware of each year for about the last ten. Is there anybody else who has ...more

No other generation will experience such changes

October 31, 2011 11:32 am

or just document over the websmartessayland.comand additionally media world wide web I was born in 1950. In those days we had a party line telephone – two households to one line. Most communications were by letter or postcard or, if ...more

Paul Interviewed by Wales Online

October 17, 2011 11:20 am

By Robin Turner THERE is a touch of James Bond about Welsh thriller writer Paul Henke’s military background. He became a Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Navy, had adventures around the world as an underwater explosives expert and survived a ...more